Aahhh, smell that fresh air...

ugh, ugh.. cough... cough... COUGH...

Man, I wish I were back in Calayan... and all that fresh air!!!!

When we were in Calayan, we weren't coughing, we weren't sneezing.. no allergies acting up... when they say fresh air.. they mean fresh air hahahahaha there are hardly any cars there.. if you want to go someplace, you walk... or ride a carabao or hop on your scooter/motorcycle.. for bigger and heavier loads, they have a "kuliglig" - a motorized contraption pulling some sort of baggage area behind it. It can carry passengers, livestock, produce.. anything LOL

Some facts that I found out while staying there:

- they only have electricity/power between 6pm and 6am. After that, nothing, unless you have a generator to power your refrigerator or other electrical appliances

- they don't pay for the water they consume...

- there is no public market - people grow their own vegetables. what they don't have, other people will provide it for you - traveling from their home to yours. If you want to eat pork, you have to buy the pig and kill it yourself. Same goes for beef. Otherwise you raise your livestock yourself and you can add goats into the picture too :)

- they sell fish by the kilo, but one price for any type of fish hahaha that's what I found interesting. Fishermen bring different types of fish, you can get 1 of each kind put them together to make at least a kilo and then pay just one price hahahaha In Manila, you want bangus you buy bangus by the kilo.. if you want a different type of fish, you buy that fish separately, again by the kilo :) what they have in Calayan is cool hahaha you can have a buffet of fish for one order and one price WOW!!

- they now have mobile phone signals.

- they now have satellite tv (for the times there's power and when you have a generator) Can you just imagine transporting a television set across the ocean :) Incredible hahaha

- they've hosted a Bikini Open in one of the beach coves there hahahaha imagine my surprise when I found out LOL (and apparently, they're continuing the 'tradition') LOL

There's bound to be more about Calayan but I'll have to stay longer next time... maybe a month or two hehehe

I really could live there and I'm already thinking of possible ways to sustain myself and my family should I make the transition... I'll wait for the airstrip and the Internet hahahaha then I'm all set hahahaha

Day 10 - 8th day - Departure from Calayan Island

May 01, 2008 - Thursday

We woke up at 3am because our departure time was at 4am. We wanted to leave Calayan before the sun rises so that it won't get too hot during the rest of the trip. Not all of us were able to go - it was just us and the kids, Tita Lette, Angie, Diane, Tita Ofel, Tito Ping and Tita Beth, my half-brothers Budyong and Marcial, Mar and her family, King and her hubby and Lei... So it was just a small boat... and maybe why it only took us 6 hours to get to Aparri..

It was also a miracle that none of us on the boat got seasick.. And we even managed to see dolphins!!! Imagine Dolphins in the wild!! woohooo!!! I've never even seen a dolphin up close.. it sure beat the heat! hahahaha too bad we weren't able to take pictures because we didn't want to risk getting the camera wet..

Finally, we were able to dock in Aparri around 10 am. We proceeded to the Calayan dormitory to freshen up and wait for our boarding time with the bus. We were scheduled on the 5pm bus for Sampaloc so we had some time to spare for lunch and resting. Lunch of course was from Jollibee - the #1 local fast food of the Philippines hahahaha

By 4:30pm, we were already at the bus terminal. Everyone was so tired from the trip that it didn't take long for us to fall asleep hehehe Since it rained too, we couldn't get out of the bus to buy food to take home as "pasalubong" :) By the time it was dinner time, the rain had stopped and we were able to eat from the local diner. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful.

We arrived in Manila around 6am. The rest of the family got dropped off at the Cubao terminal which was closer to their destination. We, on the other hand, got off at the Sampaloc terminal which was only 10 minutes from our house.

When we got home, Patrick just took a bath and went off to work bringing some of the lobsters with him hahahaha I arranged the rest of our things and did the laundry. The kids fell asleep immediately hehehehe and then we had the rest of the lobsters for lunch hahahaha

and that was our trip to Calayan :)

Day 9 - 7th Day in Calayan

April 30, 2008 - Wednesday

By this time, we should have been leaving the island but because the waves have been reportedly strong, no boat wanted to transport us. We were scheduled to leave the next day.

So, we spent the day packing our stuff, although we did go for a last dip in the beach in the morning hehehe The kids were just lounging about and playing with their sea shells :)

It was also Lola's death anniversary so we attended mass for her in the evening.

We also bought lobsters to take back home to Manila :) yummy!! and it was so cheap at P250/kilo hahahaha

Day 8 - 6th Day in Calayan Island

April 29, 2008 - Tuesday

Today we went to Sil's mango orchard :) It's still quite young but at least he can look to a profitable business when it matures :) The kids had fun playing with the "makahiya" plant (it's a kind of grass that when touched, it folds it leaves, hence the term makahiya which means "shy"). They also tried to climb trees and hang from them which was really fun to watch hahahaha We also took pictures next to pigs from the adjoining farm hahahaha

After that, we went to Sagpat to visit our Lolo's siblings. It also gave us a chance to look at my father's property hahahaha Tito Ambil planted corn on it, hence they called us "Children of the Corn" hahahaha

Next, we had lunch near the beach on Tita Cora's property. We sat on coconut leaves, ate fish, meat and green mangoes woohoo!! the life!! the life!! Although someone mentioned that the way we were was reminiscent of Survivor - so Survivor Calayan hahahaha

Day 7 - 5th Day in Calayan Island

April 28, 2008 - Monday

This is a great day!! We're off to Sibang Beach Cove!! Everyone was up and about even the kids! LOL Look at how excited we all were!! hahaha After all the sunblock has been applied (hehehe) we were off!!!

On the way, I found out that we were also supposed to go to Malangsi Beach. So the boys got dropped off first at Sibang cove because the boat can't make the trip when it's too full. After a half hour, we finally reached Malangsi but weren't able to dock on the beach because the waves were very strong for the boat. Dana felt a little seasick already. We were able to take a few pictures from the boat though. So we had to turn back.

By the time we reached Sibang cove, some of us were getting a little seasick as well. So it was a relief when the beach appeared on the horizon. Diane couldn't wait for the boat to dock on the beach so she just jumped off the boat and swam to shore hahahha I, on the other hand, still felt very dizzy ended up falling in the water and losing my sunglasses in the process hahahaha I fell on my knees on the sand and then a huge wave crashed on my back dunking me totally in the water LOL I ended up skinning my knees and losing my orientation. If not for Mar's husband, Allan, I wouldn't have been able to get up LOL

After reaching our picnic spot, everyone got ready to swim :) But the waves were strong and Dana got scared because one crashed onto us while we were trying to get in the water. So we just ended up staying on the sand and letting the occasional wave drench us :)

And then there was LUNCH!! woohooo

Naturally, after having such a satisfying meal, we all went to sleep... Next on the agenda was a hike to the lighthouse. But when I realized just how much walking was involved, we backed out LOL We couldn't afford to hike with two kids in tow, especially since there really was no trail to speak of and it involved climbing the mountain LOL The other younger set still went on the hike though and I heard that they enjoyed themselves thoroughly :)

So we ended up going back to the house earlier than the rest of the party. I was so thankful that the trip back was faster hahahaha It was also a good thing too because when we got back, they were preparing for a huge dinner for the rest of the Paypons who lived far away, sort of like a reunion. We helped with that and organized some parlor games for the kids so that they'll get prizes and make the evening more entertaining. I feasted on sashimi when the evening was over hahahaha

That was such a satisfying, enjoyable and memorable day!!

Day 6 - 4th Day in Calayan Island

April 27, 2008 - Sunday

By this time, we've lost all sense of time and day by being on the island. Time moves fairly fast and we couldn't believe it was Sunday already.

SBA activities involved championship games which kept most of the family preoccupied.

Otherwise, the rest of us were just waiting for night to arrive so we can view the fireworks display at the beach :) This was supposed to happen after the awarding ceremonies for the SBA Homecoming. As you can see from the picture, the lolas are dressed to the hilt (some even teased them about going to the Prom hahahaha)

Unfortunately, the kids got so bored waiting for the ceremonies to start so we had to go back home. It was a good thing too because they lit the fireworks at 11pm, much too late for the kids.. but relatively early for the adults :) Here's a picture of Dana with her Ate Angie and Ate Diane :)

Day 5 - 3rd Day in Calayan Island

April 26, 2008 - Nothing much happened today. The other Paypons attended a tree planting ceremony to commemorate the 50 years since the Founding of St. Bartholomew's Academy.

The kids and I mostly walked around the area, taking pictures. Here's one of Dana and Dylan near the Church.

And then later on in the afternoon, after some of the Sports Festivities at St. Bart's were done, the kids' Lolas joined us at the beach. Lola Ofel, Lola Lette and Ate Angie were here with us in the picture. Dana got busy by collecting shells on the beach, while Dylan was content to sit beside me.

Day 4 - 2nd Day in Calayan Island

April 25 - 2nd Day in Calayan Island

It turns out that part of the reason why the Paypons took a trip to Calayan Island was because of the Grand Alumni Homecoming of St. Bartholomew's Academy from which majority of them graduated High School from. So, for them, the day was spent with preparations and participation in the day's scheduled events.

Meanwhile, we just spent the day getting acquainted with the other scenic spots on the Island. This picture was taken at the "dock".

After dinner, we all went to the gym to participate in the Bingo Social hosted by St. Bart's - it was open to the public :) Dylan and I didn't finish the bingo because he fell asleep but Patrick and Dana waited until the end, hoping to win the Grand Prize - a 21" TV Set ! LOL

Day 3 - First Day in Calayan Island

Good morning.. It's our first morning on Calayan Island and it's already such a refreshing feeling to wake up to birds twittering in the trees.. to hear the sound of the waves on the beach.. to breathe that fresh air... Oh and not to mention, waking up to brewing coffee LOL

After breakfast, we went to the cemetery to pay our respects to our Lolo and Lola, my father's parents. For me, this is the first time I'll be visiting them since they passed away.

I relished the walk because it allowed me to explore the area.. I saw an interesting store - a hardware, grocery and bakery in one LOL that was a first.. They told me it was one of the biggest stores in Calayan and that if you need anything at all, this is where to get it :)

On the way back, we took a break for a picture near a bridge :)

The rest of the day was spent just relaxing at the house, having lunch and resting again hahahahah the idyllic life LOL

In the afternoon we all went to the beach for a swim (just so we don't get too burned from the sun) The kids were so excited and Dylan even fell asleep in the water!! hahahahaha

Then it was back to the house for our baths and dinner :) What a life! hahahha

Day 2 - Boat trip to Calayan Island

Okay, so now we're in Aparri, Cagayan and getting ready to get on the boat for Calayan Island. Now, I just have to tell you that the last time I went to Calayan was when I was about 8 years old so my idea of boats may be different from what is there now. I remember the boat that we were in before was relatively small and may accommodate about 15 passengers, including the baggage.. looks like the boat we're riding this time is a bit bigger because we're such a big group and there are a lot of baggages to boot :) 

We were only able to leave Aparri by 9:30am because of the packing and the checking and the inspection by the Coast Guard. At first, the trip was going smoothly until we reached the midway point where we encountered overcast skies and huge waves. Everyone started getting sick and we all just wanted the boat ride to be over.. Imagine opening your eyes and you still can't see any land in sight. Do you know what time we reached Calayan Island? 7pm that evening. The propeller even broke and it took a better part of an hour to fix. It was already very dark.. we were all cold (from getting wet from the sea spray), we were all stinky from throwing up and we were all tired from being cramped on the boat. I later learned that the boat that we were in really drove slow.. slowly but surely is their motto hahahahaha

The kids and I were the first to get off the boat, because we were all cold and I feared that if I didn't change the kids' clothes they might get sick. So, we were the first to reach the house and I thank my cousins who lent my kids some clothes because our bags weren't unloaded yet. We all took turns in the bathrooms (lucky for us there were 3) and after everyone was a bit refreshed, we all had dinner together. After that, we all crashed in bed LOL 

This big boat in the picture is the one we rode to get to Calayan. I wish we could've ridden this small speedboat, I'm sure we would have arrived faster ! LOL