February 20, 2010
I posted an entry about Dana having an ongoing school fair in school. As part of the week-long celebration, the final day of the fair, there was a family day which was participated in by the whole school. The kids were required to wear shirts to show which team they belong to. Dana's grade level was supposed to wear yellow. We also bought Dylan a yellow shirt because members of the family attending the event were encouraged to wear the same color shirt too.
As you can see they both look good!
I'm proud to say that Dana was active in participating in the games. She volunteered to participate in the sack race and here she is! Unfortunately, in her excitement a few hops from the starting line, she fell. Here's the
video, if you want to see it.
Still, she got up and still went on. Go Dana!
After that, her classmates all went to her and asked her how she was. They're a tight-knit group of friends :)
During breaks or when it became too hot outside, we all sought refuge inside Dana's classroom hehehe It was airconditioned and the perfect place to rest. Dylan occupied himself with reading the books in their reading nook. It was a good chance for us to see how he likes being in a classroom setting. It was nice! but maybe it was because Dana's teacher has such a rapport with kids :)
It sure was a tiring but enjoyable day!