2018 Calayan Adventure - Day 02 - Traveling to Calayan Island (Claveria to Calayan)

01 April 2018

Happy Easter everyone!  Today is the day we board the boat on our way to Calayan Island, my dad's hometown.  It's exciting because it's been 10 years since we were last there and the kids don't probably remember much about that trip, so this is like a new experience for them...

This post shows you our journey from Claveria to Calayan... Look out for more of the rest of the journey in the succeeding posts... :)

2018 Calayan Adventure: Day 01 - Traveling to Calayan Island (Manila-Tuguegarao-Claveria)

31 March 2018

Traveling to Calayan Island is a journey in itself.  This post covers the trip from Manila to Tuguegarao, then to Claveria.  We stayed overnight at a resort in Claveria because boats to Calayan only travel in the morning and at the very latest, noon.

The rest of the trip continues in the next posts :)

Dana's Recognition Day, 2018

26 March 2018

Photo by SCC
Today, it's Dana's turn at Recognition Day.  She received the "With Honors" award, among 6 other students in her grade level.  We're really proud of her!!

Actually, we've told her often that it's okay if she doesn't get an award, that what's important is that she LEARNS and UNDERSTANDS.  It's not about memorizing facts and details, though they are also important.  But, it's better if she takes the lessons to heart and remember them well for there's more studying and practical applications in the future :)

But, having an award sure does make you feel like you've accomplished something, doesn't it?  As long as she's happy and won't let it get into her head, it's fine :)

Congrats Dana!! :) We're proud of you! 

Dad's 70th birthday celebration at Marlo's Grille

23 March 2018

Today was my Dad's 70th birthday celebration.  A milestone event if there ever was one because this party brought our family together again, after a long, long time of being separated.  If only Allan were here, we'd have been complete. 

A big shout out to Lynne for putting everything together...

Dylan's Recognition Day, 2018

23 March 2018

We have reached that time of the year when school year 2017-2018 ends.  It's March 23 and today is Dylan's Recognition Day.

We have to commend their teachers for pushing the schedule for today.  Their Recognition Day was originally scheduled in April, after Holy Week.  Despite the short notice, they were able to pull off a worthy Recognition Day for the kids!