Newly-painted chairs and tables for Dylan's classroom

01 December 2017

What a way to greet the first of December (the official start of the Christmas season) by donating our time to Dylan's classrooms continuing renovations.  Today, we focused on fixing the tables and chairs and then painting them.  We also installed a "gate/fence" at the door so that the door can be left open but the kids can't easily run outside.  It was tiring but very fulfilling!  Thanks to everyone who helped!

Our Sunday Habit: Biking at the NBO Biking Lessons ground in BGC

19 November 2017

We feel fortunate that every Sunday, the kids get a chance to learn how to bike at the NBO Bike Lessons ground in BGC.  Well, actually Dana's getting better but Dylan still has a long way to go. 

We savor these moments because kids grow up so fast.  At least we're all having fun as a family. :)

Attending Gandhi's Baptism

05 November 2017

Today marked the Christening of Baby Gandhi, the son of friends, Orvin and Josie :)  We're glad to be part of your celebration! :)

Dylan's UN Day : Tasting dishes from different countries

19 October 2017

It's that time again for United Nations' Day!  This time, I'm glad this it's not about the costume but the culture of the nation that's being taught so Thanks Teacher Ressie!

The kids were asked to select a country and bring to school a sample of the dishes that represent it.  Dylan naturally gravitated to Japan and we brought several helpings of Tamago Onigiri :)

Another round of Free Bike Lessons at the BGC courtesy of the National Bicycle Organization

01 October 2017

It's another Sunday and we all went back to BGC in Taguig for another round of Free Bike Lessons courtesy of the National Bicycle Organization.  This time, we arrived earlier than our first trip and we found that more people have become aware of the Free Bike Rides and Lessons since there were now more people riding their bikes.  Let's see how the kids did this time :)