Happy Birthday to Me!!

Okay .. the day has come and I'm now 36 years old!! hahaha It's so weird but it doesn't feel any different LOL

There also wasn't any celebration as I was sick. I remember that ever since I was a kid, during my birthday I always come down with something (usually asthma) and I spend the day at the hospital. At least this time, it's just simple fever and lethargy :)

I cooked tonkatsu and Italian roasted potatoes instead of the usual pasta .:) It was still delicious though :)

All in all, it was a pretty uneventful day :)


  1. why do i always come in late! my belated birthday wishes anyway! :)

  2. Thanks Mantiz! It doesn't matter if you're late.. what's important is that you remembered and did something about it :)


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