Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts

Covid-19 Chronicles: A grief-stricken Christmas for us as Patrick suddenly passes away

2020 December

We didn't think this year couldn't get any worse, but it did.  Patrick died after 2 days in the hospital, not from Covid-19 which was what we were protecting him against but from cerebrovascular disease pontine infarct, an ischemic stroke that affected his pons region of the brain stem.

It was devastating to say the least and my kids and I are still reeling from it even as I type now.

I will only touch on it with just a few details because to write about everything is still too painful.

I will write about the rest of December too, just to cap off the year. 

The Year 2020 Starts with a Bang!

2020 January

Welcome 2020!!

It's another year and there are certainly many things to be grateful for and so many more things to look forward to.

Here's wishing for those great things to happen...

I spoke too soon... I didn't think it could happen in my lifetime but Taal Volcano just erupted! So surreal!!

Patrick had a Stroke ! Three Weeks in the Hospital

 05 November 2019

Today marked Patrick's almost month-long stay in the UST Hospital due to a Stroke.  I'll try to make it short and focus on things that will help you realize what symptoms he had, what treatments did he undergo and how to move on after being released from the hospital.

I wrote this a long time after everything happened because while everything was happening, I was just in a state of shock and was just focused on being there for him and the kids.  It's hard to think of anything else, actually. But for purposes of chronology, I'll keep the date from when it began.

I hope that some of the information here helps because as I understand it from what his doctors said, there are now plenty of cases of middle-aged males that have strokes.  

We all should stay healthy, watch what we eat, exercise as much as we can because getting sick is not an option.