COVID-19 Chronicles: My 2nd Dose Vaccination Day

03 August 2021

August 2nd was supposed to be the day I am vaccinated with my 2nd Dose of Sinovac. But when I got to the Health Center, I was told that all vaccinations scheduled on that day were postponed. I had to come back the next day.  Weird. 

They did mention that postponing it for a day isn't a big deal. 

Since there was nothing else to do, I just came back the next day. 

Since I anticipated that a lot of people were coming back for their 2nd dose, I went early.  True enough, there were a lot of people but the process was faster this time because we're all done with preliminaries and it's mostly just waiting for our turn to get vaccinated. 

In no time at all, I was at the Vaccination Room and I got my shot!!

After the required 15-minute waiting time was done, I left the Health Center.

I immediately went to the Hair Salon because I wanted a Hair Cut! Hahaha If you're going out during the Pandemic you have to make sure that you can finish everything that you can accomplish in one go. So, after the Vaccination, I went to the hair salon and the grocery before going home. 

Wow! I feel so refreshed having short hair again!! Also, there's some semblance of safety knowing that I had my 2nd Dose, although I'm really not looking forward to the side effects.

All three of us are now sporting short hair. The kids can't wait to get their vaccination. 

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