DIY: Replacing a faulty bidet

28 April 2015

Yesterday, our bidet in the bathroom broke.  There was a small crack in the bottom part of the bidet, the one which connects the hose to the handle, and of course over time, it eventually grew bigger until it snapped.  I tried to fix it as soon as it happened but the truth was it really had to be replaced.

Passport Renewal at the DFA Consular Office in Ali Mall, Cubao

Today, Patrick, Dylan and I went to the DFA Consular Office in Ali Mall Cubao to have Patrick's passport renewed.  He's anticipating an out of the country trip in March and he needs a renewed passport just to be safe.  So, he booked an appointment online through the DFA Ali Mall Consular office website and proceeded to his chosen branch (Ali Mall) on the day he was assigned.

Received a Christmas Package from Del Monte Kitchenomics

February 11, 2015

Last December, I got an email from Del Monte Kitchenomics (I am subscribed to their newsletter) saying I have a chance to get a gift from them if I call the number in the email.  Well, of course, I'm not one to pass up an opportunity to get a freebie so I did call as soon as I read the email.  It took a while but I did get through.

They got my personal information and that was that.  I forgot about it afterward.  Then I got a call last week verifying the information I gave last Christmas.  This time, they said I was one of the lucky participants and I will be receiving something via courier!  I was excited to hear that and I couldn't wait to hear the doorbell ring!