Dylan at the Shakey's Junior Pizza Master activity at Shakey's Espana

30 June 2018

Thanks to Augustine's Mama Daria, Dylan was treated to Shakey's Junior Pizzamaster activity and he had a great time creating his own pizza. 

For P499, kids are given their very own toque and apron, their individual ingredients and materials, a glass of iced tea and a certificate for completing the activity.  Also, they can either eat their pizza at the restaurant or bring it home with them.

The workshop is roughly 2 hours long.  After the kids create their pizza and the staff brings these pizza to the kitchen for baking, the crew entertains the kids with games where they can also win prizes. 

I can understand why they can't bring the kids to the ovens, it's just for safety consideration. :)

Anyway, we'll share the details for the rest of the post so read on! :)

We arrived rather early so we had to wait for the rest of the enrolled participants to arrive.  We took the time to take pictures of the kids in their Junior PizzaMaster attire :)

When the rest of the participants arrived, the staff brought the ingredients and the materials out and gave each kid his own set.  Here are the ingredients from top to bottom:  Flour, cheese, ham, cornmeal and pineapple tidbits.  The tomato sauce was brought out a bit later.  At first we didn't know what the corn meal was but they explained that it was to give the pizza it's aroma.  I didn't know that!  So that's something new I learned today :)

The first thing to do was to put flour on the pan and to sprinkle a pinch of the cornmeal on the pan.  The flour is to prevent the pizza dough from sticking to the pan while the cornmeal was to give the pizza it's aroma.

Then, they brought out the pizza dough and Dylan was excited!  He thought they were going to toss the dough into the air hahaha  They were instructed to spread the dough on the pizza pan, taking care not to spread it too thin.  Dylan was fascinated at how a round pizza dough can transform into a flat pizza crust :)

Naturally, the kids can't totally work out the pizza dough by themselves so they were assisted by Chef Bobby.

It was also important to create, a sort of barrier around the crust to prevent the toppings from slipping off while baking.

Dylan and the pizza crust
The next step was using the spiked roller wheel.  The kids had fun running the spiked roller wheel on the pizza dough.  Its purpose it to remove the pockets of air trapped in the dough and it helps in making the pizza rise evenly.

Next, they were told to start spreading the tomato sauce.  They gave us additional tomato sauce during this part.

Next came the rest of the ingredients starting with the layer of cheese, then the slices of ham and pineapples.

After everyone has completed putting all the ingredients into their pizza, the staff came and marked each pizza tray with numbers so the pizzas won't get mixed up when they bring them back from the oven and kitchen.  

Meanwhile, to keep everyone entertained while the pizzas are in the oven, we were visited by Henny Chicken (if I'm not mistaken with the name)!  The kids and adults got a chance to take pictures with the patient Shakey's mascot :)

Also, there were prizes at stake for the kids who get to answer correctly during the games :)  Dylan was lucky enough to win twice :)

 After, the pizzas were brought out and given to each participant.  The kids were then awarded their certificates by Henny and Chef Bobby :)

It was a fun day for everyone!  Dylan was very proud of his pizza and he kept saying how delicious it was :)  Thanks Mama Daria and Augustine for inviting us to this activity :) Thanks also to the staff of Shakey's for a job well done!! :)

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