Showing posts with label UN Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN Day. Show all posts

Dylan's UN Day : Tasting dishes from different countries

19 October 2017

It's that time again for United Nations' Day!  This time, I'm glad this it's not about the costume but the culture of the nation that's being taught so Thanks Teacher Ressie!

The kids were asked to select a country and bring to school a sample of the dishes that represent it.  Dylan naturally gravitated to Japan and we brought several helpings of Tamago Onigiri :)

Kids: Dylan's UN Day

October 27, 2012

One of the regular school activities in October is the United Nations Day.  Fortunately for us, it was just Dylan who will have to invest in a costume and this year, he was saddled with Peru for his country.  It was lucky that Peru has an easy native costume to replicate and all we had to do was buy a decent hat for Dylan.

The kids paraded around the school and then proceeded to the venue where they held their activities.